The Importance of Services in E-Learning
The majority of people prefer learning in an actual classroom to learning on their own, in front of a computer.
From a student’s point of view, I understand that one may prefer a teacher. So I have to ask myself, why? It may seem obvious, but the idea stems from the concept that nowadays, without any apparent obligation, we use the computer more and more in our free time, not only for working purposes. We use the computer because we want to. In the past, people resisted reading a book or the newspaper on the computer – not anymore. I have not heard that comment for quite a while (“I prefer the scent of the paper”).
I’m sure that if you look closely at your daily routines, both personal and to do with work, you can easily see where technology has won the battle.
So, I ask again, why isn’t this the natural tendency with language training?
Because it shouldn’t be. I firmly believe that one should not forget the value of a good teacher and a good professional.