Have you ever wondered why certain traditions are followed during the Christmas season?  Of course, everyone probably knows the typical cultural differences (Santa and the legend behind him, for example), and the Three Wise Men.  They don’t visit every country, however.  There are many traditions that aren’t necessarily followed here in Spain, or at least, not to the “T” (an expression which means – not exactly the same way).


  1. Why we celebrate Christmas on December 25th.
  2. Why we bake Christmas cookies
  3. Why we put up a Christmas tree
  4. Why we put lights on the Christmas tree
  5. Why we build snowmen
  6. Why we drink eggnog
  7. Why we leave milk and cookies for Santa
  8. Why we kiss under the mistletoe
  9. Why we sing Christmas carols
  10. Why we hang stockings

Are you familiar with The Readers Digest?  This in itself is a cultural difference worth noting.  Any normal household (at least when and where I grew up – in Canada) would have one.  It’s a small, thick magazine, with a wide variety of articles of interest – to basically anybody.  I highly recommend reading any of their articles – anytime – to contribute to your language learning.  It is simple, direct and natural language.

Link to original article in the Readers Digest.

My question(s) to you: 

  1. Have you ever tried eggnog?
  2. Do you personally do any Christmas baking?
  3. Do you set out Christmas stockings?
  4. What is your favourite Spanish tradition?
  5. Can you list traditions here in Spain, not mentioned in the article?
  6. Can you explain how they came to be?


so – you know the deal – let’s see the comments!