The good boy of the world is now seen under a different light. In Canada it IS a big deal – that is basically what he has been selling, right?  Should it be such a big deal in the rest of the world? How does the rest of the world see it?  What am I speaking of? The Canadian Prime Minister had a photograph taken at a costume party a very long time ago – and his face was painted black to go with the theme of the party.  It may very well be his political downfall. You see – Canada is a country where those things matter.  A multicultural oasis (or is it?).  It seems to stand out all the more these days, when we can see major stories come out day in and day out, of other world leaders that are way out of bounds.

My take?  There is no room whatsoever for being politically incorrect, showing the least bit of racism, or disrespect in general.  I do think, however, that the past is the past, let’s learn from it, and get on with our lives.  Who, indeed, could or should throw the first stone?

This article compares countries – how Spain faces or has faced certain festivities with a similar action.  In the past – it wasn’t much of a problem, there weren’t many differences to be openly seen in our society.  Things are changing though, so I’d be interested in knowing what your take is on this.

Leave your comments!

Have a great week!